Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Përshkrimi i kompanisë

Hilti provides construction sector with tools, technologies, software and cutting-edge services. Since 1941, we work every day on building our solid international reputation, product offer and excellent solutions and services. With more than 23 000 employees across over 120 countries,. Our aim is to build a better future. By this we mean helping our customers to build faster, safer and with more daring, while all the time being mindful of the legacy we leave behind. We want to be proud of the mark we make on the world. To ensure the integrity of our products, we run our own production plants and cutting-edge research and development centers right across the world. The group headquarters is in Schaan in the Principality of Liechtenstein, where Martin Hilti established the company 75 years ago. Hilti makes costruction sites work simpler, faster, and safer.

Punët aktive nga Hilti Albania Sh.p.k

Account Manager Hilti Albania Sh.p.k

Menaxher Shitjesh
Tirane, Shqipëri 28-03-2025 edhe 16 ditë