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Rr. "Dervish Hima", Pallati Ambasador 3, kati 1, nr.3, Tiranë, Albania

Tirane, Shqipëri



Më skano:

Përshkrimi i kompanisë

Albchrome sh.p.k is an Albanian company owning high quality chrome ore mines in Bulqiza and the ferrochrome smelting plants in Burrel and Elbasan. Albchrome is the largest chrome ore and high carbon ferrochrome producer in Albania.  

Since January 14, 2022, Albchrome is part of YILDIRIM Group’s metals and mining subsidiary, which ranked as the 2nd largest high carbon ferrochrome producer and the 4th largest chromium company in the world.  

YILDIRIM Group is a vertically integrated industrial conglomerate, which operates in more than nine different sectors of which, mining and metallurgical operations is its flagship industry group.

Yilmaden Holding, the Group’s mining subsidiary is involved in chrome mining operations in Turkey and Kazakhstan, own ferrochrome production facilities in Russia, Sweden and Turkey. Yilmaden Holding’s focus is on exploring, mining and processing mineral resources with minimal impact on the environment. If you have a successful record of accomplishment and thrive on challenges in a fast-paced environment, Yılmaden Holding may indeed be the right home to build your international career. 

Yılmaden Holding is committed to develop Albchrome by transferring its technology and expertise, continuing investments to grow the capacity and ensure sustainable development. 

Produkte dhe Shërbime

Nxjerrje e perpunim minerali Chrome & Ferrochrome dhe shitje nderkombetare Ferrochrome.

Punët aktive nga AlbCHROME