Thirrje për propozime

Unë, Gruaja - Thirrje për ekspertë

Thirrje për propozime

Terms of References for procurement of consulting services for Activity A 5.2 Youngsters debate “Toxic vs. Positive Masculinity”

“Unë, Gruaja” is a non-profit organization, registered in 2003 by Tirana First Instant Court. The mission of the organization is to empower women and youth in the Pogradec - Korça area. UG has worked in institutional level to establish and build the capacities of the Technical Working Groups in each of the Administrative Units, part of the Coordinated Referral Mechanism of Domestic Violence in the Municipality of Pogradec.

The organization has consistently been actively supported by the community. The community of Pogradec has witnessed a high level of motivation, commitment, professionalism and readiness in service delivery by offering services with high quality to the community members. “Unë, Gruaja” is member of AWEN (Albanian Women Empowerment Network).

The Association "Unë, Gruaja" Pogradec (UG) is implementing the project “Equity in food, rights and participation for a sustainable rural development”, which has the main purpose to empower rural communities in Pogradeci Municipality, especially women and youth, through education, services, access to resources and active involvement in sustainable development. During the implementation of the project, 20 people, women and men from the association and main actors in the project are trained on gender equality, gender stereotypes and positive masculinity.

The participants are now able to organize debates on the topic "Toxic vs. Positive" Masculinity. The debates are planned to be held annually with participation of around 20 youngsters (girls and boys) resulting in an around 300 young people involved. The purpose of the debating sessions is to raise awareness, foster understanding, and promote discussion about the concepts of toxic masculinity and positive masculinity. In addition, the debating sessions will result on the creation of posters, paintings, awareness building messages to change the mentality regarding gender stereotypes, traditional harmful social norms, etc.

In this respect 1-5 experts are required to deliver in total 5 debate sessions with subject: "Toxic vs. Positive Masculinity”.

Read full document here.