Këshillimi i karrierës

Panairit i Punës 2018, UPT, 5 Qershor

Këshillimi i karrierës
                      Duapune.com ishte pjese e Panairit te Punes 2018, me date 5 Qershor, i cili u organizua nga Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranes UPT. Qellimi jone ne kete panair ishte keshillimi i studenteve ne perzgjedhjen e profilit te tyre profesional, orjentimi ne tegun e punes, krijimi i raporteve me punedhenesit dhe prezantimi i mundsive te punesimit, te trajnimeve dhe internshipeve qe portali jone publikon vazhdimisht. Studente te niveleve te ndryshme ishin mjaft te interesuar ne keto mundesi. Duapune.com was part of the 2018 JOB Fair on June 5, which was organized by Polytechnic University of Tirana UPT. Our goal at this fair was to assist students in selecting their professional profile, focusing on the work-market, creating relationships with employers and presenting the employment opportunities, training and internships that our portal continuously publishes. Students at different levels were quite interested in these opportunities.