- University Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Finance.
- Previous working experience in banking.

Detaje të pozicionit
Analist Biznesi
Kohë e plote
Elbasan, Shqipëri
Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Zyrtari Zejtari
kërkon të punësojë:
Analist Biznesi
Kohë e plote
Elbasan, Shqipëri
We are looking for a colleague in the Micro Account Manager position to develop and manage a profitable banking relationship with Micro clients.
As a Micro Account Manager, you will be responsible for developing new business and maintain a profitable portfolio. You will be responsible for initiating new contacts and identifying favorable lending opportunity, Prospects new and potential clients and establishes first contacts.
The interested candidates can apply at [email protected]
To apply for this job position, send your CV to the company/organization via email by clicking here or apply through duapune.com. Raiffeisen Bank wishes to inform interested candidates that any information they submit regarding their expression of interest will be treated with the highest security standards in full compliance with the provisions of law no. 9887 dated 10.03.2008 "On the Protection of Personal Data" and the sub-legal acts issued pursuant thereto. Furthermore, by providing this information, the interested candidate declares and gives their consent for the further processing of their personal data by Raiffeisen Bank solely for the Bank's internal use and only for the purpose for which they have voluntarily provided this data.
1. Fillimisht klikoni butonin "Aplikoni".
2. Pasi klikoni këtë buton, më poshtë ju shfaqet mundësia të përzgjidhni 1 nga CV tuaja që keni krijuar në llogari si punëkërkues.
3. Në rast se kompania kërkon dokumenta shtesë, ju do të keni mundësi që të përzgjidhni dokumentat nëpërmjet rubrikës "Bashkëngjit Dokumente" që do të shfaqet poshtë "Zgjidhni CV që i përshtatet më së miri pozicionit të punës".
4. Në fund klikoni butoni "Dërgo".
Raiffeisen Bank Albania is one of the largest banks in the country. Its asset base is close to 1.85 billion Euro. Raiffeisen Bank International purchased the Albanian Savings Bank back in 2004 and over the last 15 years has completely transformed the old State Bank into a full-service bank serving all sectors of the business and private individual markets. The bank has a product range, processes, systems and a branch infrastructure that compares favorably with 21st century European standards. Raiffeisen Bank offers the full range of banking products and services in the 4 key business sectors in which it operates - private individuals, micro business, small business and corporate business and servers to more the 778,152 customers.
Raiffeisen Bank Albania is the market leader, with the largest branch network in Albania, with 75 Branches, eight of which are digital branch, distributed in the majority of cities in the country, specifically in 44 cities. Raiffeisen Bank Albania has currently 181 ATMs, in the entire country and is the market leader for ATMs. Such presence ensures that customers have access to one of our ATMs in different parts of the country, even in certain areas that may be considered distant or remote.
In the framework of the continuous digital transformation, Raiffeisen Bank has launched the Digital Banking Platform “Raiffeisen ON”. This platform which is designed for both retail and business customers offers fast and secure banking services through its advanced technology. Being the most innovative digital banking platform in the Raiffeisen ON has more than 169,000 Total users both in retail and business.
Our mission is to transform continuous innovation into superior customer experience with the vision to be the most recommended bank in the Albanian market.